Summary of /test programs.


The unit tests for this library are enumerated below, grouped by Tag. Advanced users might find them useful as "living documentation", beyond what is captured within the tutorial material. Each test is accompanied by a short description, and expected results.

Below are links to the sections of this page:


Name Description Results

cgemmC Light testing of gemm(). [PASS]
chemmL Tests hemm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
chemmLower Tests hemm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
chemmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
cher2kL Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
cher2kLower Tests hemmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
cher2kU Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
cherkL Tests hermitian rank-k updates onto tril(MatrixRange) [PASS]
cherkLower Tests hermitian rank-k updates into LowerMatrix's [PASS]
cherkU Tests hermitian rank-k updates onto triu(MatrixRange) [PASS]
csymmL Tests symm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
csymmLower Tests symm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
csymmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
csyr2kL Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
csyr2kLower Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
csyr2kU Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
csyrkL Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
csyrkLower Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
csyrkU Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
dher2kL Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
dher2kLower Tests hemmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dher2kU Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
dsymmL Tests symm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
dsymmLower Tests symm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
dsymmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
dsyr2kL Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
dsyr2kLower Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dsyr2kU Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
dsyrkL Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
dsyrkLower Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dsyrkU Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
sher2kL Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
sher2kLower Tests hemmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
sher2kU Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
ssymmL Tests symm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ssymmLower Tests symm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
ssymmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ssyr2kL Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
ssyr2kLower Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ssyr2kU Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
ssyrkL Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
ssyrkLower Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ssyrkU Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
zgemmC Light testing of gemm(). [PASS]
zhemmL Tests hemm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
zhemmLower Tests hemm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
zhemmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
zher2kL Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
zher2kLower Tests hemmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
zher2kU Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
zherkL Tests hermitian rank-k updates onto tril(MatrixRange) [PASS]
zherkLower Tests hermitian rank-k updates into LowerMatrix's [PASS]
zherkU Tests hermitian rank-k updates onto triu(MatrixRange) [PASS]
zhsy2kL Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
zhsy2kLower Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
zhsy2kU Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
zhsykL Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
zhsykLower Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
zhsykU Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
zsymmL Tests symm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
zsymmLower Tests symm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
zsymmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]


Name Description Results

alias_DiagonalMatrix Tests for a corner case, where a container is assigned from a subrange of itself (previously invoked UB, now fixed). [PASS]
alias_Matrix Tests for a corner case, where a container is assigned from a subrange of itself (previously invoked UB, now fixed). [PASS]
alias_Vector Tests for a corner case, where a container is assigned from a subrange of itself (previously invoked UB, now fixed). [PASS]
bothcat Tests bothcat(Matrix) [PASS]
bothcat_cpp11 Tests bothcat(Matrix) [PASS]
bounds_DiagonalMatrix Tests bounds checking within DiagonalMatrix. [PASS]
bounds_LowerMatrix Tests bounds checking within LowerMatrix. [PASS]
bounds_Matrix Tests bounds checking within Matrix. [PASS]
bounds_Vector Tests bounds checking within Vector. [PASS]
cCholeskySolver Tests ZCholeskySolver, a solver for complex hermitian positive definite A. [PASS]
cLDLHSolver Tests ZLDLHSolver, a linear solver for complex hermitian indefinite systems. [PASS]
cLDLHSolver3 Tests ZLDLHSolver, a linear solver for complex hermitian indefinite systems. [PASS]
cLDLTSolver Tests ZLDLTSolver, a linear solver for complex symmetric indefinite systems. [PASS]
cLDLTSolver3 Tests ZLDLTSolver, a linear solver for complex symmetric indefinite systems. [PASS]
cLUSolver Tests LUSolver, a general purpose linear solver. [PASS]
cMatrix22 Various tests for Matrix22's of various Number types. [PASS]
cgemmC Light testing of gemm(). [PASS]
cgesvd_shortfat Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
cgesvd_square Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
cgesvd_tallskinny Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
che_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
cheev Tests eigendecomposition of a complex hermitian matrix. [PASS]
chemmL Tests hemm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
chemmLower Tests hemm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
chemmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
cher2kL Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
cher2kLower Tests hemmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
cher2kU Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
cherkL Tests hermitian rank-k updates onto tril(MatrixRange) [PASS]
cherkLower Tests hermitian rank-k updates into LowerMatrix's [PASS]
cherkU Tests hermitian rank-k updates onto triu(MatrixRange) [PASS]
chetrdL Tests tridiagonalization of a complex hermitian Matrix. [PASS]
chetrdU Tests tridiagonalization of a complex hermitian Matrix. [PASS]
clqt Tests block Householder reflection for A=LQ. [PASS]
cmgs Testing classical and modified gram-schmidt. [PASS]
convert_czc Tests conversions between single and double precision. [PASS]
convert_dsd Tests conversions between single and double precision. [PASS]
convert_sds Tests conversions between single and double precision. [PASS]
convert_zcz Tests conversions between single and double precision. [PASS]
cpinv Tests pseudoinverse routines. [PASS]
cpotrf Tests cholesky factorization. [PASS]
cqrt Tests block Householder reflection for A=QR. [PASS]
crank Tests nullspace() and rangespace() algorithms. [PASS]
crotate1 Tests single sided rotate1() rotations. [PASS]
cswizzle Uses swizzle to solve an A*X=B problem where X/B are complex but A is pure real. [PASS]
csy_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
csymmL Tests symm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
csymmLower Tests symm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
csymmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
csyr2kL Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
csyr2kLower Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
csyr2kU Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
csyrkL Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
csyrkLower Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
csyrkU Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
ctrmmL Tests multiplying by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ctrmmLower Tests multiplying by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ctrmmU Tests multiplying by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ctrsmL Tests solving by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ctrsmLower Tests solving by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ctrsmU Tests solving by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ctrsmtrmm Verifies that trmm and trsm are inverse operations. [PASS]
dCholeskySolver Tests RCholeskySolver, a solver for real symmetric positive definite A. [PASS]
dLDLTSolver Tests RLDLTSolver, a solver for real symmetric indefinite A. [PASS]
dLDLTSolver3 Tests RLDLTSolver, a solver for real symmetric indefinite A. [PASS]
dLUSolver Tests LUSolver, a general purpose linear solver. [PASS]
dMatrix22 Various tests for Matrix22's of various Number types. [PASS]
dQRSolver Tests QRSolver, a full-rank least-squares solver. [PASS]
dbdsqr Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dbdsqr_split0 Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dbdsqr_split1 Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dense_io1 Tests serialization roundtrips for various algebraic containers. [PASS]
dense_io2 Tests serialization roundtrips for various ranges. [PASS]
dgesvd_shortfat Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
dgesvd_square Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
dgesvd_tallskinny Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
dher2kL Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
dher2kLower Tests hemmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dher2kU Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
diagcat_DiagonalMatrix Tests diagcat(Matrix) [PASS]
diagcat_Matrix Tests diagcat(Matrix) [PASS]
dimmL Tests dimm() using gemm() as a reference. [PASS]
dimmR Tests dimm() using gemm() as a reference. [PASS]
djacobi Tests jacobi() eigendecomposition on a small problem. [PASS]
dlqt Tests block Householder reflection for A=LQ. [PASS]
dmgs Testing classical and modified gram-schmidt. [PASS]
dpinv Tests pseudoinverse routines. [PASS]
dpotrf Tests cholesky factorization. [PASS]
dqrt Tests block Householder reflection for A=QR. [PASS]
drank Tests nullspace() and rangespace() algorithms. [PASS]
drotate1 Tests single sided rotate1() rotations. [PASS]
dstev Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dstev_split Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dsy_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
dsyev Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric matrix. [PASS]
dsymmL Tests symm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
dsymmLower Tests symm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
dsymmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
dsyr2kL Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
dsyr2kLower Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dsyr2kU Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
dsyrkL Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
dsyrkLower Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dsyrkU Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
dsytrdL Tests tridiagonalization of a real symmetric Matrix. [PASS]
dsytrdU Tests tridiagonalization of a real symmetric Matrix. [PASS]
dtrmmL Tests multiplying by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
dtrmmLower Tests multiplying by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dtrmmU Tests multiplying by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
dtrsmL Tests solving by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
dtrsmLower Tests solving by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dtrsmU Tests solving by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
dtrsmtrmm Verifies that trmm and trsm are inverse operations. [PASS]
gebrd_shortfat Tests bidiagonalization of a general Matrix. [PASS]
gebrd_square Tests bidiagonalization of a general Matrix. [PASS]
gebrd_tallskinny Tests bidiagonalization of a general Matrix. [PASS]
gelqf_shortfat Testing LQ decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
gelqf_square Testing LQ decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
gelqf_tallskinny Testing LQ decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
geqpf_rank Tests column-pivoted QR decomposition, but only tall/skinny case. [PASS]
geqpf_sf_order Tests column-pivoted QR decomposition, but only tall/skinny case. [PASS]
geqpf_ts_order Tests column-pivoted QR decomposition, but only tall/skinny case. [PASS]
geqrf_shortfat Testing QR decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
geqrf_square Testing QR decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
geqrf_tallskinny Testing QR decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
gesvd2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
gesvd2_special Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
getrf_singular Tries LU decomposition on a singular matrix, should throw. [PASS]
he_rotate2_special Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
hetrf_LowerMatrix Tests LDL' decompositions for hermitian matrices. [PASS]
hetrf_Matrix Tests LDL' decompositions for hermitian matrices. [PASS]
horzcat Tests horzcat(Matrix) [PASS]
horzcat_cpp11 Tests horzcat(Matrix) [PASS]
inverse_DiagonalMatrix Testing inversion of DiagonalMatrix, LowerMatrix, square Matrix. [PASS]
inverse_LowerMatrix Testing inversion of DiagonalMatrix, LowerMatrix, square Matrix. [PASS]
inverse_Matrix Testing inversion of DiagonalMatrix, LowerMatrix, square Matrix. [PASS]
potrf_indefinite Tries cholesky decomposition on an indefinite matrix, should throw(). [PASS]
potrf_singular Tries cholesky decomposition on an singular matrix, should throw(). [PASS]
sCholeskySolver Tests RCholeskySolver, a solver for real symmetric positive definite A. [PASS]
sLDLTSolver Tests RLDLTSolver, a solver for real symmetric indefinite A. [PASS]
sLDLTSolver3 Tests RLDLTSolver, a solver for real symmetric indefinite A. [PASS]
sLUSolver Tests LUSolver, a general purpose linear solver. [PASS]
sMatrix22 Various tests for Matrix22's of various Number types. [PASS]
sbdsqr Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
sbdsqr_split0 Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
sbdsqr_split1 Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
sgesvd_shortfat Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
sgesvd_square Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
sgesvd_tallskinny Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
sher2kL Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
sher2kLower Tests hemmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
sher2kU Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
sjacobi Tests jacobi() eigendecomposition on a small problem. [PASS]
slqt Tests block Householder reflection for A=LQ. [PASS]
smgs Testing classical and modified gram-schmidt. [PASS]
spinv Tests pseudoinverse routines. [PASS]
spotrf Tests cholesky factorization. [PASS]
sqrt Tests block Householder reflection for A=QR. [PASS]
srank Tests nullspace() and rangespace() algorithms. [PASS]
srotate1 Tests single sided rotate1() rotations. [PASS]
sstev Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix. [PASS]
sstev_split Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix. [PASS]
ssy_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
ssyev Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric matrix. [PASS]
ssymmL Tests symm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ssymmLower Tests symm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
ssymmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ssyr2kL Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
ssyr2kLower Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ssyr2kU Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
ssyrkL Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
ssyrkLower Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ssyrkU Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
ssytrdL Tests tridiagonalization of a real symmetric Matrix. [PASS]
ssytrdU Tests tridiagonalization of a real symmetric Matrix. [PASS]
strmmL Tests multiplying by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
strmmLower Tests multiplying by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
strmmU Tests multiplying by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
strsmL Tests solving by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
strsmLower Tests solving by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
strsmU Tests solving by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
strsmtrmm Verifies that trmm and trsm are inverse operations. [PASS]
swaps Tests swap sequences and row/column exchanges. [PASS]
sy_rotate2_special Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
sytrf_LowerMatrix Tests LDL' decompositions for symmetric matrices. [PASS]
sytrf_Matrix Tests LDL' decompositions for symmetric matrices. [PASS]
sytrf_singular Tries LDL decomposition on a singular matrix, should throw(). [PASS]
threshold Tests threshold(), which replaces small elements with explicit zeros. [PASS]
vectorcat Tests vectorcat(Vector) [PASS]
vectorcat_cpp11 Tests vectorcat(Vector) [PASS]
vertcat Tests vertcat(Matrix) [PASS]
vertcat_cpp11 Tests vertcat(Matrix) [PASS]
zCholeskySolver Tests ZCholeskySolver, a solver for complex hermitian positive definite A. [PASS]
zLDLHSolver Tests ZLDLHSolver, a linear solver for complex hermitian indefinite systems. [PASS]
zLDLHSolver3 Tests ZLDLHSolver, a linear solver for complex hermitian indefinite systems. [PASS]
zLDLTSolver Tests ZLDLTSolver, a linear solver for complex symmetric indefinite systems. [PASS]
zLDLTSolver3 Tests ZLDLTSolver, a linear solver for complex symmetric indefinite systems. [PASS]
zLUSolver Tests LUSolver, a general purpose linear solver. [PASS]
zMatrix22 Various tests for Matrix22's of various Number types. [PASS]
zgemmC Light testing of gemm(). [PASS]
zgesvd_shortfat Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
zgesvd_square Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
zgesvd_tallskinny Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
zhe_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
zheev Tests eigendecomposition of a complex hermitian matrix. [PASS]
zhemmL Tests hemm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
zhemmLower Tests hemm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
zhemmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
zher2kL Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
zher2kLower Tests hemmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
zher2kU Tests hermitian rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
zherkL Tests hermitian rank-k updates onto tril(MatrixRange) [PASS]
zherkLower Tests hermitian rank-k updates into LowerMatrix's [PASS]
zherkU Tests hermitian rank-k updates onto triu(MatrixRange) [PASS]
zhetrdL Tests tridiagonalization of a complex hermitian Matrix. [PASS]
zhetrdU Tests tridiagonalization of a complex hermitian Matrix. [PASS]
zhsy2kL Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
zhsy2kLower Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
zhsy2kU Tests symmetric rank-2k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
zhsykL Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the tril() of Matrix. [PASS]
zhsykLower Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto a LowerMatrix. [PASS]
zhsykU Tests symmetric rank-k updates onto the the triu() of Matrix. [PASS]
zlqt Tests block Householder reflection for A=LQ. [PASS]
zmgs Testing classical and modified gram-schmidt. [PASS]
zpinv Tests pseudoinverse routines. [PASS]
zpotrf Tests cholesky factorization. [PASS]
zqrt Tests block Householder reflection for A=QR. [PASS]
zrank Tests nullspace() and rangespace() algorithms. [PASS]
zrotate1 Tests single sided rotate1() rotations. [PASS]
zswizzle Uses swizzle to solve an A*X=B problem where X/B are complex but A is pure real. [PASS]
zsy_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
zsymmL Tests symm() with a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
zsymmLower Tests symm() with a LowerMatrix [PASS]
zsymmU Tests symm() with a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ztrmmL Tests multiplying by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ztrmmLower Tests multiplying by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ztrmmU Tests multiplying by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ztrsmL Tests solving by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ztrsmLower Tests solving by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ztrsmU Tests solving by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ztrsmtrmm Verifies that trmm and trsm are inverse operations. [PASS]


Name Description Results

Index Assorted tests for Index<N>, the index type for Expression's [PASS]
UserExpression Implements the Pascal matrix as a UserExpression. [PASS]
expr_arithmetic Basic arithmetic tests for Expression's [PASS]
expr_functions_complex Tests for functions of Expression's [PASS]
expr_functions_exponential Tests for functions of Expression's [PASS]
expr_functions_measure Tests for functions of Expression's [PASS]
expr_functions_power Tests for functions of Expression's [PASS]
expr_functions_trig Tests for functions of Expression's [PASS]
expr_generators Tests for builtin Expression's [PASS]
expr_hermitian Tests for expr(std::vector) and expr(std::initializer_list) [PASS]
expr_list Tests for expr(std::vector) and expr(std::initializer_list) [PASS]
expr_logical Tests for boolean/logical functions of Expression's [PASS]
expr_permdim Tests for expr(std::vector) and expr(std::initializer_list) [PASS]
expr_reshape Tests for expr(std::vector) and expr(std::initializer_list) [PASS]
expr_tensor Basic arithmetic tests for Expression's [PASS]
expr_transpose Tests for expr(std::vector) and expr(std::initializer_list) [PASS]
expr_vector Tests for expr(std::vector) and expr(std::initializer_list) [PASS]


Name Description Results

ByteStreams Round-trips a std::map<int,double> through ByteStream's [PASS]
checksum Tests checksum() read/write. [PASS]
roundtrip_associative Tests serialization/deserialization test for various common types. [PASS]
roundtrip_pod Tests serialization/deserialization test for various common types. [PASS]
roundtrip_sequence Tests serialization/deserialization test for various common types. [PASS]
roundtrip_struct Tests serialization/deserialization test for various common types. [PASS]


Name Description Results

DifferenceAction Tests operator- for Action's a and b. [PASS]
DimmAction Tests make_DimmAction() (diagonal scaling). [PASS]
GemmAction Tests make_GemmAction() for sparse and dense A. [PASS]
HemmAction Tests make_HemmAction() for sparse and dense A. [PASS]
ICholeskySolver Tests ICholeskySolver. [PASS]
ILUSolver Tests ILUSolver. [PASS]
IdentityAction Tests identity_Action. [PASS]
NegateAction Tests negate_action(). [PASS]
ProductAction Tests operator* to cascade two Action's A and B into A*(B*x). [PASS]
ReshapeAction Tests pcg() with multiple right hand sides, uses ReshapeAction under the hood. [PASS]
ScaleAction Tests operator* for Action a and scalar alpha. [PASS]
SolveAction Tests make_SolveAction< LUSolver<Number> >. [PASS]
SumAction Tests operator+ for Action's a and b. [PASS]
SymmAction Tests make_SymmAction() for sparse and dense A. [PASS]
TrmmAction Tests make_TrmmAction() for sparse and dense A. [PASS]
TrsmAction Tests make_TrsmAction() for sparse and dense A. [PASS]
bothcat_Action Tests vertcat() for Action's [PASS]
bothcat_Action_cpp11 Tests vertcat() for Action's [PASS]
compose_action1 Tests pcg() on an action composed from other actions using operator +*, etc. [PASS]
compose_action2 Tests gmres() on an action composed from other actions using operator +*, etc. [PASS]
diagcat_Action Tests diagcat() for Action's [PASS]
diagcat_Action_cpp11 Tests diagcat() for Action's [PASS]
fgmres Tests fgmres() on a random-valued 2D stencil, using a low-accuracy gmres() as a (variable) preconditioner. [PASS]
gmres Tests gmres(), by solving a random 2D stencil (both with and without a preconditioner). [PASS]
horzcat_Action Tests horzcat() for Action's [PASS]
horzcat_Action_cpp11 Tests horzcat() for Action's [PASS]
lanczos1 Tests lanczos1() by extracting the dominant eigenpair of a 2D graph laplacian. [PASS]
lanczos2 Tests lanczos2() by extracting a few dominant eigenpair of a 2D graph laplacian. [PASS]
lopcg Tests lopcg() by extracting a few small eigenpairs of a 2D graph laplacian. [PASS]
minres_complex Tests minres() on small problems. [PASS]
minres_real Tests minres() on small problems. [PASS]
mixed_refine Solves a high precision system with a low precision factorization, via mixed_refine(). [PASS]
pcg Tests real pcg(), by solving a 2D graph laplacian (both with and without a preconditioner). [PASS]
sseidel_symmetry Checks the symmetry of sor() and ssor() iterations. [PASS]
ssor_symmetry Checks the symmetry of sor() and ssor() iterations. [PASS]
stationary Tests the stationary iterations: jacobi(), seidel(), sor() and ssor() [PASS]
vertcat_Action Tests vertcat() for Action's [PASS]
vertcat_Action_cpp11 Tests vertcat() for Action's [PASS]


Name Description Results

FusedJobGraph Visualizes a FusedJobGraph with user-defined dependencies. [PASS]
JobID Tests packing/unpacking into a JobID. [PASS]
ParallelJobGraph Exercises ParallelJobGraph. [PASS]
SequentialJobGraph Exercises SequentialJobGraph. [PASS]
UserJobGraph Populates a UserJobGraph with and executes it. [PASS]
cycle Tests verify() on a JobGraph containing a cycle. [PASS]
exception Exercises exception propagation out of a JobGraph running under execute_omp(). [PASS]
factor_LLT Checks the JobGraph used by ppotrf(), psytrf(), phetrf(). [PASS]
factor_LU_panel Checks the JobGraph used by pgetrf_panel(). [PASS]
factor_LU_tile Checks the JobGraph used by pgetrf_tile(). [PASS]
factor_UUT Checks the JobGraph used by ppotrf(). [PASS]
multifrontal_factor_LLT Verifies the JobGraph used by multifrontal A = L*L' factorization. [PASS]
multifrontal_factor_LU Verifies the JobGraph used by multifrontal A = L*U factorization. [PASS]
multifrontal_partialsolve_Left_Lower Verifies the JobGraph used by partialsolve inv(L)*b [PASS]
multifrontal_partialsolve_Left_Upper Verifies the JobGraph used by partialsolve inv(U)*b [PASS]
multifrontal_partialsolve_Right_Lower Verifies the JobGraph used by partialsolve b*inv(L) [PASS]
multifrontal_partialsolve_Right_Upper Verifies the JobGraph used by partialsolve b*inv(U) [PASS]
multifrontal_schur_gemm1 Verifies the JobGraph used by schur S=X'Y formation. [PASS]
multifrontal_schur_rankk1 Verifies the JobGraph used by schur S=X'X formation. [PASS]
multifrontal_schur_solve Verifies the JobGraph used by schur X = L backsolution. [PASS]
multifrontal_solve_Left_Lower Verifies the JobGraph used by X = inv(L)*B backsolution. [PASS]
multifrontal_solve_Left_Upper Verifies the JobGraph used by X = inv(U)*B backsolution. [PASS]
multifrontal_solve_Right_Lower Verifies the JobGraph used by X = B*inv(L) backsolution. [PASS]
multifrontal_solve_Right_Upper Verifies the JobGraph used by X = B*inv(U) backsolution. [PASS]
pmultiply Checks the JobGraph used by pgemm(), psymm(), phemm(). [PASS]
rankk Checks the JobGraph used by psyrk(), pherk(). [PASS]
trmm_Left_Lower Checks the JobGraph used by ptrmm('L','L'). [PASS]
trmm_Left_Upper Checks the JobGraph used by ptrmm('L','U'). [PASS]
trmm_Right_Lower Checks the JobGraph used by ptrmm('R','L'). [PASS]
trmm_Right_Upper Checks the JobGraph used by ptrmm('R','U'). [PASS]
trsm_Left_Lower Checks the JobGraph used by ptrsm('L','L'). [PASS]
trsm_Left_Upper Checks the JobGraph used by ptrsm('L','U'). [PASS]
trsm_Right_Lower Checks the JobGraph used by ptrsm('R','L'). [PASS]
trsm_Right_Upper Checks the JobGraph used by ptrsm('R','U'). [PASS]


Name Description Results

cMatrix22 Various tests for Matrix22's of various Number types. [PASS]
cgesvd_shortfat Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
cgesvd_square Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
cgesvd_tallskinny Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
che_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
cheev Tests eigendecomposition of a complex hermitian matrix. [PASS]
chetrdL Tests tridiagonalization of a complex hermitian Matrix. [PASS]
chetrdU Tests tridiagonalization of a complex hermitian Matrix. [PASS]
clqt Tests block Householder reflection for A=LQ. [PASS]
cpotrf Tests cholesky factorization. [PASS]
cqrt Tests block Householder reflection for A=QR. [PASS]
crank Tests nullspace() and rangespace() algorithms. [PASS]
crotate1 Tests single sided rotate1() rotations. [PASS]
csy_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
ctrmmL Tests multiplying by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ctrmmLower Tests multiplying by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ctrmmU Tests multiplying by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ctrsmL Tests solving by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ctrsmLower Tests solving by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ctrsmU Tests solving by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ctrsmtrmm Verifies that trmm and trsm are inverse operations. [PASS]
dMatrix22 Various tests for Matrix22's of various Number types. [PASS]
dbdsqr Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dbdsqr_split0 Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dbdsqr_split1 Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dgesvd_shortfat Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
dgesvd_square Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
dgesvd_tallskinny Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
dlqt Tests block Householder reflection for A=LQ. [PASS]
dpotrf Tests cholesky factorization. [PASS]
dqrt Tests block Householder reflection for A=QR. [PASS]
drank Tests nullspace() and rangespace() algorithms. [PASS]
drotate1 Tests single sided rotate1() rotations. [PASS]
dstev Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dstev_split Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix. [PASS]
dsy_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
dsyev Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric matrix. [PASS]
dsytrdL Tests tridiagonalization of a real symmetric Matrix. [PASS]
dsytrdU Tests tridiagonalization of a real symmetric Matrix. [PASS]
dtrmmL Tests multiplying by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
dtrmmLower Tests multiplying by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dtrmmU Tests multiplying by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
dtrsmL Tests solving by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
dtrsmLower Tests solving by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
dtrsmU Tests solving by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
dtrsmtrmm Verifies that trmm and trsm are inverse operations. [PASS]
gebrd_shortfat Tests bidiagonalization of a general Matrix. [PASS]
gebrd_square Tests bidiagonalization of a general Matrix. [PASS]
gebrd_tallskinny Tests bidiagonalization of a general Matrix. [PASS]
gelqf_shortfat Testing LQ decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
gelqf_square Testing LQ decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
gelqf_tallskinny Testing LQ decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
geqpf_rank Tests column-pivoted QR decomposition, but only tall/skinny case. [PASS]
geqpf_sf_order Tests column-pivoted QR decomposition, but only tall/skinny case. [PASS]
geqpf_ts_order Tests column-pivoted QR decomposition, but only tall/skinny case. [PASS]
geqrf_shortfat Testing QR decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
geqrf_square Testing QR decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
geqrf_tallskinny Testing QR decompositions. Tall/skinny, square, and short/fat cases, various functionality. [PASS]
gesvd2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
gesvd2_special Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
getrf_singular Tries LU decomposition on a singular matrix, should throw. [PASS]
he_rotate2_special Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
hetrf_LowerMatrix Tests LDL' decompositions for hermitian matrices. [PASS]
hetrf_Matrix Tests LDL' decompositions for hermitian matrices. [PASS]
inverse_DiagonalMatrix Testing inversion of DiagonalMatrix, LowerMatrix, square Matrix. [PASS]
inverse_LowerMatrix Testing inversion of DiagonalMatrix, LowerMatrix, square Matrix. [PASS]
inverse_Matrix Testing inversion of DiagonalMatrix, LowerMatrix, square Matrix. [PASS]
potrf_indefinite Tries cholesky decomposition on an indefinite matrix, should throw(). [PASS]
potrf_singular Tries cholesky decomposition on an singular matrix, should throw(). [PASS]
sMatrix22 Various tests for Matrix22's of various Number types. [PASS]
sbdsqr Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
sbdsqr_split0 Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
sbdsqr_split1 Tests singular value decomposition of a real bidiagonal matrix. [PASS]
sgesvd_shortfat Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
sgesvd_square Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
sgesvd_tallskinny Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
slqt Tests block Householder reflection for A=LQ. [PASS]
spotrf Tests cholesky factorization. [PASS]
sqrt Tests block Householder reflection for A=QR. [PASS]
srank Tests nullspace() and rangespace() algorithms. [PASS]
srotate1 Tests single sided rotate1() rotations. [PASS]
sstev Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix. [PASS]
sstev_split Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix. [PASS]
ssy_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
ssyev Tests eigendecomposition of a real symmetric matrix. [PASS]
ssytrdL Tests tridiagonalization of a real symmetric Matrix. [PASS]
ssytrdU Tests tridiagonalization of a real symmetric Matrix. [PASS]
strmmL Tests multiplying by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
strmmLower Tests multiplying by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
strmmU Tests multiplying by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
strsmL Tests solving by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
strsmLower Tests solving by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
strsmU Tests solving by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
strsmtrmm Verifies that trmm and trsm are inverse operations. [PASS]
sy_rotate2_special Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
sytrf_LowerMatrix Tests LDL' decompositions for symmetric matrices. [PASS]
sytrf_Matrix Tests LDL' decompositions for symmetric matrices. [PASS]
sytrf_singular Tries LDL decomposition on a singular matrix, should throw(). [PASS]
zMatrix22 Various tests for Matrix22's of various Number types. [PASS]
zgesvd_shortfat Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
zgesvd_square Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
zgesvd_tallskinny Tests singular value decompositions over all Number types. [PASS]
zhe_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
zheev Tests eigendecomposition of a complex hermitian matrix. [PASS]
zhetrdL Tests tridiagonalization of a complex hermitian Matrix. [PASS]
zhetrdU Tests tridiagonalization of a complex hermitian Matrix. [PASS]
zlqt Tests block Householder reflection for A=LQ. [PASS]
zpotrf Tests cholesky factorization. [PASS]
zqrt Tests block Householder reflection for A=QR. [PASS]
zrank Tests nullspace() and rangespace() algorithms. [PASS]
zrotate1 Tests single sided rotate1() rotations. [PASS]
zsy_rotate2 Tests double sided rotate2() rotations. [PASS]
ztrmmL Tests multiplying by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ztrmmLower Tests multiplying by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ztrmmU Tests multiplying by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ztrsmL Tests solving by a tril(Matrix) [PASS]
ztrsmLower Tests solving by a triangular LowerMatrix. [PASS]
ztrsmU Tests solving by a triu(Matrix) [PASS]
ztrsmtrmm Verifies that trmm and trsm are inverse operations. [PASS]


Name Description Results

ExpressionSampler Tests ExpressionSampler. [PASS]
MatrixSampler Tests MatrixSampler. [PASS]
SumSampler Tests SumSampler. [PASS]
UserSampler Tests UserSampler. [PASS]
add1_USVMatrixC Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add1_USVMatrixD Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add1_USVMatrixS Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add1_USVMatrixZ Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add2_USVMatrixC Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add2_USVMatrixD Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add2_USVMatrixS Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add2_USVMatrixZ Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add3_USVMatrixC Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add3_USVMatrixD Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add3_USVMatrixS Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
add3_USVMatrixZ Tests add(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
bothcat_USVMatrix Tests bothcat(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
conjugate_USVMatrixC Tests conjugate(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
conjugate_USVMatrixD Tests conjugate(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
conjugate_USVMatrixS Tests conjugate(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
conjugate_USVMatrixZ Tests conjugate(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ctrmmA_lowrank Tests trmm(LowerMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ctrmmL_lowrank Tests trmm(tril(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ctrmmU_lowrank Tests trmm(triu(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ctrsmA_lowrank Tests trsm(LowerMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ctrsmL_lowrank Tests trsm(tril(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ctrsmU_lowrank Tests trsm(triu(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
diagcat_USVMatrix Tests diagcat(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
dtrmmA_lowrank Tests trmm(LowerMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
dtrmmL_lowrank Tests trmm(tril(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
dtrmmU_lowrank Tests trmm(triu(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
dtrsmA_lowrank Tests trsm(LowerMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
dtrsmL_lowrank Tests trsm(tril(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
dtrsmU_lowrank Tests trsm(triu(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
expr_USVMatrix Tests expr(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
frobenius_USVMatrixC Tests transpose(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
frobenius_USVMatrixD Tests transpose(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
frobenius_USVMatrixS Tests transpose(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
frobenius_USVMatrixZ Tests transpose(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm1_USVMatrixC Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=USVMatrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm1_USVMatrixD Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=USVMatrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm1_USVMatrixS Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=USVMatrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm1_USVMatrixZ Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=USVMatrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm2_USVMatrixC Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=USVMatrix*Matrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm2_USVMatrixD Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=USVMatrix*Matrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm2_USVMatrixS Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=USVMatrix*Matrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm2_USVMatrixZ Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=USVMatrix*Matrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm3_USVMatrixC Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=Matrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm3_USVMatrixD Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=Matrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm3_USVMatrixS Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=Matrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm3_USVMatrixZ Tests gemm_inplace(USVMatrix+=Matrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm4_USVMatrixC Tests gemm_inplace(Matrix+=USVMatrix*Matrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm4_USVMatrixD Tests gemm_inplace(Matrix+=USVMatrix*Matrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm4_USVMatrixS Tests gemm_inplace(Matrix+=USVMatrix*Matrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm4_USVMatrixZ Tests gemm_inplace(Matrix+=USVMatrix*Matrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm5_USVMatrixC Tests gemm_inplace(Matrix+=Matrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm5_USVMatrixD Tests gemm_inplace(Matrix+=Matrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm5_USVMatrixS Tests gemm_inplace(Matrix+=Matrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemm5_USVMatrixZ Tests gemm_inplace(Matrix+=Matrix*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemv1_USVMatrixC Tests gemv_inplace(Vector+=USVMatrix*Vector) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemv1_USVMatrixD Tests gemv_inplace(Vector+=USVMatrix*Vector) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemv1_USVMatrixS Tests gemv_inplace(Vector+=USVMatrix*Vector) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemv1_USVMatrixZ Tests gemv_inplace(Vector+=USVMatrix*Vector) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemv2_USVMatrixC Tests gemv_inplace(Vector+=Vector*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemv2_USVMatrixD Tests gemv_inplace(Vector+=Vector*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemv2_USVMatrixS Tests gemv_inplace(Vector+=Vector*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
gemv2_USVMatrixZ Tests gemv_inplace(Vector+=Vector*USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k1_USVMatrixC Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k1_USVMatrixD Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k1_USVMatrixS Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k1_USVMatrixZ Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k2_USVMatrixC Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k2_USVMatrixD Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k2_USVMatrixS Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k2_USVMatrixZ Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k3_USVMatrixC Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k3_USVMatrixD Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k3_USVMatrixS Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
her2k3_USVMatrixZ Tests her2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk1_USVMatrixC Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk1_USVMatrixD Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk1_USVMatrixS Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk1_USVMatrixZ Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk2_USVMatrixC Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk2_USVMatrixD Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk2_USVMatrixS Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk2_USVMatrixZ Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk3_USVMatrixC Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk3_USVMatrixD Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk3_USVMatrixS Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
herk3_USVMatrixZ Tests herk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
hermitian_USVMatrixC Tests hermitian(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
hermitian_USVMatrixD Tests hermitian(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
hermitian_USVMatrixS Tests hermitian(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
hermitian_USVMatrixZ Tests hermitian(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
horzcat_USVMatrix Tests horzcat(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
multiply_USVMatrixC Tests multiply(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
multiply_USVMatrixD Tests multiply(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
multiply_USVMatrixS Tests multiply(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
multiply_USVMatrixZ Tests multiply(USVMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
skeletonize1 Tests skeletonize1(Sampler). [PASS]
skeletonize1_sweep Tests skeletonize1(Sampler). [PASS]
skeletonize2 Tests skeletonize2(Action). [PASS]
skeletonize2_sweep Tests skeletonize2(Action). [PASS]
slice_columns_USVMatrix Tests USVMatrix slicing for various Number types. [PASS]
slice_rows_USVMatrix Tests USVMatrix slicing for various Number types. [PASS]
slice_window_USVMatrix Tests USVMatrix slicing for various Number types. [PASS]
strmmA_lowrank Tests trmm(LowerMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
strmmL_lowrank Tests trmm(tril(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
strmmU_lowrank Tests trmm(triu(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
strsmA_lowrank Tests trsm(LowerMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
strsmL_lowrank Tests trsm(tril(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
strsmU_lowrank Tests trsm(triu(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k1_USVMatrixC Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k1_USVMatrixD Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k1_USVMatrixS Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k1_USVMatrixZ Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k2_USVMatrixC Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k2_USVMatrixD Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k2_USVMatrixS Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k2_USVMatrixZ Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k3_USVMatrixC Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k3_USVMatrixD Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k3_USVMatrixS Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syr2k3_USVMatrixZ Tests syr2k_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk1_USVMatrixC Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk1_USVMatrixD Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk1_USVMatrixS Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk1_USVMatrixZ Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk2_USVMatrixC Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk2_USVMatrixD Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk2_USVMatrixS Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk2_USVMatrixZ Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk3_USVMatrixC Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk3_USVMatrixD Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk3_USVMatrixS Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
syrk3_USVMatrixZ Tests syrk_inplace(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
transpose_USVMatrixC Tests transpose(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
transpose_USVMatrixD Tests transpose(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
transpose_USVMatrixS Tests transpose(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
transpose_USVMatrixZ Tests transpose(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
vertcat_USVMatrix Tests vertcat(USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ztrmmA_lowrank Tests trmm(LowerMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ztrmmL_lowrank Tests trmm(tril(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ztrmmU_lowrank Tests trmm(triu(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ztrsmA_lowrank Tests trsm(LowerMatrix,USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ztrsmL_lowrank Tests trsm(tril(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]
ztrsmU_lowrank Tests trsm(triu(Matrix),USVMatrix) for various Number types. [PASS]


Name Description Results

lu2_constructors Verifies all the constructor paths for SparseLUSolver. [PASS]
lu2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseLUSolver. [PASS]
lu2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseLUSolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
lu2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using SparseLUSolver. [PASS]
lu2_schur Verifies SparseLUSolver schur complements. [PASS]
lu2_solver Verifies SparseLUSolver by solving a random A over a structured grid of size IxJ. [PASS]
multifrontal_factor_LLT Verifies the JobGraph used by multifrontal A = L*L' factorization. [PASS]
multifrontal_factor_LU Verifies the JobGraph used by multifrontal A = L*U factorization. [PASS]
multifrontal_partialsolve_Left_Lower Verifies the JobGraph used by partialsolve inv(L)*b [PASS]
multifrontal_partialsolve_Left_Upper Verifies the JobGraph used by partialsolve inv(U)*b [PASS]
multifrontal_partialsolve_Right_Lower Verifies the JobGraph used by partialsolve b*inv(L) [PASS]
multifrontal_partialsolve_Right_Upper Verifies the JobGraph used by partialsolve b*inv(U) [PASS]
multifrontal_schur_gemm1 Verifies the JobGraph used by schur S=X'Y formation. [PASS]
multifrontal_schur_gemm2 Verifies the JobGraph used by schur S=X'Y formation. [PASS]
multifrontal_schur_rankk1 Verifies the JobGraph used by schur S=X'X formation. [PASS]
multifrontal_schur_rankk2 Verifies the JobGraph used by schur S=X'X formation. [PASS]
multifrontal_schur_solve Verifies the JobGraph used by schur X = L backsolution. [PASS]
multifrontal_solve_Left_Lower Verifies the JobGraph used by X = inv(L)*B backsolution. [PASS]
multifrontal_solve_Left_Upper Verifies the JobGraph used by X = inv(U)*B backsolution. [PASS]
multifrontal_solve_Right_Lower Verifies the JobGraph used by X = B*inv(L) backsolution. [PASS]
multifrontal_solve_Right_Upper Verifies the JobGraph used by X = B*inv(U) backsolution. [PASS]
normal2_solver Verifies correctness of SparseNormalSolver by solving random unsymmetric sparse A*x=b problem. [PASS]
rcholesky2_constructors Verifies all the constructor paths for SparseRCholeskySolver. [PASS]
rcholesky2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseRCholeskySolver. [PASS]
rcholesky2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseRCholeskySolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
rcholesky2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using SparseRCholeskySolver. [PASS]
rcholesky2_schur Verifies SparseRCholeskySolver schur complements. [PASS]
rcholesky2_solver Verifies SparseRCholeskySolver by solving graph laplacian on a structured grid of size IxJ. [PASS]
rldlt2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseRLDLTSolver. [PASS]
rldlt2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseRLDLTSolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
rldlt2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using SparseRLDLTSolver [PASS]
rldlt2_saddle1 Applies SparseRLDLTSolver to a system with saddle point structure. [PASS]
rldlt2_saddle2 Applies SparseRLDLTSolver to a system with saddle point structure. [PASS]
rldlt2_saddle3 Applies SparseRLDLTSolver to a system with saddle point structure. [PASS]
rldlt2_schur Verifies SparseRLDLTSolver schur complements. [PASS]
rldlt2_solver Verifies SparseRLDLTSolver by solving shifted graph laplacian (i.e. helmholtz) on a structured grid of size IxJ [PASS]
zcholesky2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseZCholeskySolver. [PASS]
zcholesky2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseZCholeskySolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
zcholesky2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using SparseZCholeskySolver. [PASS]
zcholesky2_schur Verifies SparseZCholeskySolver schur complements. [PASS]
zcholesky2_solver Verifies SparseZCholeskySolver by solving a hermitian graph laplacian on a structured grid of size IxJ [PASS]
zldlh2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseZLDLHSolver. [PASS]
zldlh2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseZLDLHSolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
zldlh2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using complex SparseZLDLHSolver [PASS]
zldlh2_schur Verifies SparseZLDLHSolver schur complements. [PASS]
zldlh2_solver Verifies SparseZLDLHSolver by solving hermitian shifted graph laplacian (i.e. helmholtz) on a structured grid of size IxJ [PASS]
zldlt2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseZLDLTSolver. [PASS]
zldlt2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseZLDLTSolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
zldlt2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using complex SparseZLDLTSolver. [PASS]
zldlt2_schur Verifies SparseZLDLTSolver schur complements. [PASS]
zldlt2_solver Verifies SparseZLDLTSolver by solving symmetric shifted graph laplacian (i.e. helmholtz) on a structured grid of size IxJ [PASS]


Name Description Results

lu2_constructors Verifies all the constructor paths for SparseLUSolver. [PASS]
lu2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseLUSolver. [PASS]
lu2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseLUSolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
lu2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using SparseLUSolver. [PASS]
lu2_schur Verifies SparseLUSolver schur complements. [PASS]
lu2_solver Verifies SparseLUSolver by solving a random A over a structured grid of size IxJ. [PASS]
normal2_solver Verifies correctness of SparseNormalSolver by solving random unsymmetric sparse A*x=b problem. [PASS]
pgemm Checks pgemm_inplace() vs gemm_inplace(). [PASS]
pgemm_speedup Verifies pgemm_inplace() speeds up with 2 versus 1 threads applied, gives correct answers. [PASS]
pgetrf_panel Checks pgetrf_panel() vs getrf_inplace(). [PASS]
pgetrf_tile Checks pgetrf_tile() vs getrf_inplace(). [PASS]
phemm1 Checks phemm_inplace() vs hemm_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
phemm2 Checks phemm_inplace() vs hemm_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
pher2k1 Checks pher2k_inplace() vs her2k_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
pher2k2 Checks pher2k_inplace() vs her2k_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
pherk1 Checks pherk_inplace() vs herk_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
pherk2 Checks pherk_inplace() vs herk_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
phetrf1 Checks phetrf_inplace() vs hetrf_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
phetrf2 Checks phetrf_inplace() vs hetrf_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
ppotrf1 Checks ppotrf_inplace() vs potrf_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
ppotrf2 Checks ppotrf_inplace() vs potrf_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
ppotrf_exception Tries to call ppotrf() on an indefinite Matrix, should throw an exception. [PASS]
psymm1 Checks psymm_inplace() vs symm_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
psymm2 Checks psymm_inplace() vs symm_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
psyr2k1 Checks psyr2k_inplace() vs syr2k_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
psyr2k2 Checks psyr2k_inplace() vs syr2k_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
psyrk1 Checks psyrk_inplace() vs syrk_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
psyrk2 Checks psyrk_inplace() vs syrk_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
psytrf1 Checks psytrf_inplace() vs sytrf_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
psytrf2 Checks psytrf_inplace() vs sytrf_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
ptrmm1 Checks ptrmm_inplace() vs trmm_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange [PASS]
ptrmm2 Checks ptrmm_inplace() vs trmm_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
ptrsm1 Checks ptrsm_inplace() vs trsm_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange [PASS]
ptrsm2 Checks ptrsm_inplace() vs trsm_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
rcholesky2_constructors Verifies all the constructor paths for SparseRCholeskySolver. [PASS]
rcholesky2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseRCholeskySolver. [PASS]
rcholesky2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseRCholeskySolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
rcholesky2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using SparseRCholeskySolver. [PASS]
rcholesky2_schur Verifies SparseRCholeskySolver schur complements. [PASS]
rcholesky2_solver Verifies SparseRCholeskySolver by solving graph laplacian on a structured grid of size IxJ. [PASS]
rldlt2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseRLDLTSolver. [PASS]
rldlt2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseRLDLTSolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
rldlt2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using SparseRLDLTSolver [PASS]
rldlt2_schur Verifies SparseRLDLTSolver schur complements. [PASS]
rldlt2_solver Verifies SparseRLDLTSolver by solving shifted graph laplacian (i.e. helmholtz) on a structured grid of size IxJ [PASS]
zcholesky2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseZCholeskySolver. [PASS]
zcholesky2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseZCholeskySolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
zcholesky2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using SparseZCholeskySolver. [PASS]
zcholesky2_schur Verifies SparseZCholeskySolver schur complements. [PASS]
zcholesky2_solver Verifies SparseZCholeskySolver by solving a hermitian graph laplacian on a structured grid of size IxJ [PASS]
zldlh2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseZLDLHSolver. [PASS]
zldlh2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseZLDLHSolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
zldlh2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using complex SparseZLDLHSolver [PASS]
zldlh2_schur Verifies SparseZLDLHSolver schur complements. [PASS]
zldlh2_solver Verifies SparseZLDLHSolver by solving hermitian shifted graph laplacian (i.e. helmholtz) on a structured grid of size IxJ [PASS]
zldlt2_inverse Verifies sampling inverse(A) using SparseZLDLTSolver. [PASS]
zldlt2_mixed Uses a single precision SparseZLDLTSolver to solve a double precision A*x=b problem. [PASS]
zldlt2_partialsolve Verifies partialsolve() using complex SparseZLDLTSolver. [PASS]
zldlt2_schur Verifies SparseZLDLTSolver schur complements. [PASS]
zldlt2_solver Verifies SparseZLDLTSolver by solving symmetric shifted graph laplacian (i.e. helmholtz) on a structured grid of size IxJ [PASS]


Name Description Results

factor_LLT Checks the JobGraph used by ppotrf(), psytrf(), phetrf(). [PASS]
factor_LU_panel Checks the JobGraph used by pgetrf_panel(). [PASS]
factor_LU_tile Checks the JobGraph used by pgetrf_tile(). [PASS]
factor_UUT Checks the JobGraph used by ppotrf(). [PASS]
pgemm Checks pgemm_inplace() vs gemm_inplace(). [PASS]
pgemm_speedup Verifies pgemm_inplace() speeds up with 2 versus 1 threads applied, gives correct answers. [PASS]
pgetrf_panel Checks pgetrf_panel() vs getrf_inplace(). [PASS]
pgetrf_tile Checks pgetrf_tile() vs getrf_inplace(). [PASS]
phemm1 Checks phemm_inplace() vs hemm_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
phemm2 Checks phemm_inplace() vs hemm_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
pher2k1 Checks pher2k_inplace() vs her2k_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
pher2k2 Checks pher2k_inplace() vs her2k_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
pherk1 Checks pherk_inplace() vs herk_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
pherk2 Checks pherk_inplace() vs herk_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
phetrf1 Checks phetrf_inplace() vs hetrf_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
phetrf2 Checks phetrf_inplace() vs hetrf_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
pmultiply Checks the JobGraph used by pgemm(), psymm(), phemm(). [PASS]
ppotrf1 Checks ppotrf_inplace() vs potrf_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
ppotrf2 Checks ppotrf_inplace() vs potrf_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
ppotrf_exception Tries to call ppotrf() on an indefinite Matrix, should throw an exception. [PASS]
psymm1 Checks psymm_inplace() vs symm_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
psymm2 Checks psymm_inplace() vs symm_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
psyr2k1 Checks psyr2k_inplace() vs syr2k_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
psyr2k2 Checks psyr2k_inplace() vs syr2k_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
psyrk1 Checks psyrk_inplace() vs syrk_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
psyrk2 Checks psyrk_inplace() vs syrk_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
psytrf1 Checks psytrf_inplace() vs sytrf_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange. [PASS]
psytrf2 Checks psytrf_inplace() vs sytrf_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
ptrmm1 Checks ptrmm_inplace() vs trmm_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange [PASS]
ptrmm2 Checks ptrmm_inplace() vs trmm_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
ptrsm1 Checks ptrsm_inplace() vs trsm_inplace() on the 'U'pper or 'L'ower triangle of a MatrixRange [PASS]
ptrsm2 Checks ptrsm_inplace() vs trsm_inplace() on a LowerMatrixRange. [PASS]
rankk Checks the JobGraph used by psyrk(), pherk(). [PASS]
trmm_Left_Lower Checks the JobGraph used by ptrmm('L','L'). [PASS]
trmm_Left_Upper Checks the JobGraph used by ptrmm('L','U'). [PASS]
trmm_Right_Lower Checks the JobGraph used by ptrmm('R','L'). [PASS]
trmm_Right_Upper Checks the JobGraph used by ptrmm('R','U'). [PASS]
trsm_Left_Lower Checks the JobGraph used by ptrsm('L','L'). [PASS]
trsm_Left_Upper Checks the JobGraph used by ptrsm('L','U'). [PASS]
trsm_Right_Lower Checks the JobGraph used by ptrsm('R','L'). [PASS]
trsm_Right_Upper Checks the JobGraph used by ptrsm('R','U'). [PASS]


Name Description Results

cCholeskySolver Tests ZCholeskySolver, a solver for complex hermitian positive definite A. [PASS]
cLDLHSolver Tests ZLDLHSolver, a linear solver for complex hermitian indefinite systems. [PASS]
cLDLHSolver3 Tests ZLDLHSolver, a linear solver for complex hermitian indefinite systems. [PASS]
cLDLTSolver Tests ZLDLTSolver, a linear solver for complex symmetric indefinite systems. [PASS]
cLDLTSolver3 Tests ZLDLTSolver, a linear solver for complex symmetric indefinite systems. [PASS]
cLUSolver Tests LUSolver, a general purpose linear solver. [PASS]
cswizzle Uses swizzle to solve an A*X=B problem where X/B are complex but A is pure real. [PASS]
dCholeskySolver Tests RCholeskySolver, a solver for real symmetric positive definite A. [PASS]
dLDLTSolver Tests RLDLTSolver, a solver for real symmetric indefinite A. [PASS]
dLDLTSolver3 Tests RLDLTSolver, a solver for real symmetric indefinite A. [PASS]
dLUSolver Tests LUSolver, a general purpose linear solver. [PASS]
dQRSolver Tests QRSolver, a full-rank least-squares solver. [PASS]
sCholeskySolver Tests RCholeskySolver, a solver for real symmetric positive definite A. [PASS]
sLDLTSolver Tests RLDLTSolver, a solver for real symmetric indefinite A. [PASS]
sLDLTSolver3 Tests RLDLTSolver, a solver for real symmetric indefinite A. [PASS]
sLUSolver Tests LUSolver, a general purpose linear solver. [PASS]
zCholeskySolver Tests ZCholeskySolver, a solver for complex hermitian positive definite A. [PASS]
zLDLHSolver Tests ZLDLHSolver, a linear solver for complex hermitian indefinite systems. [PASS]
zLDLHSolver3 Tests ZLDLHSolver, a linear solver for complex hermitian indefinite systems. [PASS]
zLDLTSolver Tests ZLDLTSolver, a linear solver for complex symmetric indefinite systems. [PASS]
zLDLTSolver3 Tests ZLDLTSolver, a linear solver for complex symmetric indefinite systems. [PASS]
zLUSolver Tests LUSolver, a general purpose linear solver. [PASS]
zswizzle Uses swizzle to solve an A*X=B problem where X/B are complex but A is pure real. [PASS]


Name Description Results

Pattern Tests multiply(A) and multiply(A,B) for SparseMatrix<Number>. [PASS]
Permutation Tests Permutation matrices. [PASS]
SparseMatrix Tests various range operations on SparseMatrix. [PASS]
SparseMatrixBuilder Tests operator+ and operator- for SparseMatrix, which delegate to SparseMatrixBuilder under the hood. [PASS]
SparseMatrixRange Calls sparse gemm() on subranges of a SparseMatrix A, compares results to dense gemm(). [PASS]
alias_Pattern Tests for a corner case, where a container is assigned from a subrange of itself (previously invoked UB, now fixed). [PASS]
alias_SparseMatrix Tests for a corner case, where a container is assigned from a subrange of itself (previously invoked UB, now fixed). [PASS]
bothcat_Pattern Tests bothcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
bothcat_Pattern_cpp11 Tests bothcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
bothcat_SparseMatrix Tests bothcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
bothcat_SparseMatrix_cpp11 Tests bothcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
bounds_SparseMatrix Tests bounds checking within SparseMatrix. [PASS]
diagcat_Pattern Tests vertcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
diagcat_Pattern_cpp11 Tests vertcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
diagcat_SparseMatrix Tests vertcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
diagcat_SparseMatrix_cpp11 Tests vertcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
equilibrate Constructs a random laplacian2, equilibrates it, evaluates E*A*E. [PASS]
frobenius Constructs a random SparseMatrix A, compares frobenius(A) against frobenius(A.make_Matrix()). [PASS]
hermitian Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse hermitian() against dense hermitian(). [PASS]
horzcat_Pattern Tests horzcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
horzcat_Pattern_cpp11 Tests horzcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
horzcat_SparseMatrix Tests horzcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
horzcat_SparseMatrix_cpp11 Tests horzcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
laplacian1 Examines 1D graph laplacian and 1D nested dissection. [PASS]
multiply Tests multiply(A) and multiply(A,B) for SparseMatrix<Number>. [PASS]
permute Tests permute() and perm.make_SparseMatrix(). [PASS]
sparse_dimm Tests sparse dimm() using dense dimm() as a reference. [PASS]
sparse_expression Tests conversion of SparseMatrix into an Expression template. [PASS]
sparse_flip Tests sparse flip() using dense flip() as a reference. [PASS]
sparse_gemm Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse gemm() against dense gemm(). [PASS]
sparse_gemv Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse gemv() against dense gemv(). [PASS]
sparse_hemm Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse hemm() against dense hemm(). [PASS]
sparse_io Tests serialization roundtrips for SparseMatrixRange. [PASS]
sparse_symm Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse hemm() against dense hemm(). [PASS]
sparse_threshold Constructs a random SparseMatrix A, converts it into a Matrix and then threshold()'s it back. [PASS]
sparse_trmm Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse trmm() against dense trmm(). [PASS]
sparse_trsm Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse trsm() against dense trsm(). [PASS]
transpose Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse transpose() against dense transpose(). [PASS]
transpose_Pattern Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse transpose() against dense transpose(). [PASS]
tril Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse tril() against dense tril(). [PASS]
tril_Pattern Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse tril() against dense tril(). [PASS]
triu Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse triu() against dense triu(). [PASS]
triu_Pattern Constructs a random SparseMatrix, compares sparse triu() against dense triu(). [PASS]
vertcat_Pattern Tests vertcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
vertcat_Pattern_cpp11 Tests vertcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
vertcat_SparseMatrix Tests vertcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]
vertcat_SparseMatrix_cpp11 Tests vertcat(SparseMatrix) [PASS]


Name Description Results

AssemblyTree Compares AssemblyTree's built using various reordering strategies: bisect(), mmd(), reorder() [PASS]
DisjointSet Unit test for DisjointSet. [PASS]
RandomAccessList Unit test for RandomAccessList. [PASS]
match_supernodes Tests match_supernodes(), supernode detection/coarsening. [PASS]
mmd0 Inspects a PatternBuilder after reordering it using mmd(). [PASS]
mmd1 Inspects a PatternBuilder after reordering it using mmd(). [PASS]
preconditions Tests precondition checker. [PASS]
rcm Inspects a PatternBuilder after reordering it using rcm(). [PASS]
vcut1 Unit tests for vcut(), special cases. [PASS]
vcut2 Unit tests for vcut(), special cases. [PASS]
vcut3 Unit tests for vcut(), special cases. [PASS]
vcut_structured Unit tests for vcut(), special cases. [PASS]


Name Description Results

fail Test that exercises REQUIRE(false). [FAIL]
pass Test that exercises REQUIRE(true). [PASS]


Name Description Results

LowerPrecision Various tests about Number traits (reflection). [PASS]
RaisePrecision Various tests about Number traits (reflection). [PASS]
ReflectPrecision Various tests about Number traits (reflection). [PASS]
Timer Exercises the Timer class. [PASS]
random Tests random number generation. [PASS]
sortperm Tests sortperm() on a random vector. [PASS]
stream2string Tests stream2string(), baking a std::vector<int> into a std::string. [PASS]
stringprintf Tests stringprintf. [PASS]

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