dense Directory Reference

Containers and algorithms for dense linear algebra. [tutorial] .


Directory dependency graph for dense:


file  axpy.h [code]
 BLAS1 vector-vector add.
file  bdsqr.h [code]
 Computes all singular triples (u,s,v) of a real bidiagonal matrix.
file  bothcat.h [code]
 Routines to concatenate Matrix's in two-by-two fashion.
file  conjugate.h [code]
 Returns a conjugated copy of a Matrix or Vector. Or, conjugate one inplace.
file  copy.h [code]
 BLAS1 vector copy.
file  csvread.h [code]
 Routines to load various containers from .csv files.
file  csvwrite.h [code]
 Routines to save various containers to .csv files.
file  diag.h [code]
 Returns the diagonal of a dense Matrix or LowerMatrix.
file  diagcat.h [code]
 Routines to concatenate Matrix's in diagonal fashion.
file  DiagonalMatrix.h [code]
 Container for a diagonal matrix, O(n) storage. Used by SVD, row/column scaling, etc.
file  DiagonalMatrixRange.h [code]
 Interface class for representing subranges of DiagonalMatrix's.
file  dimm.h [code]
 Routines for multiplying by a DiagonalMatrix.
file  dot.h [code]
 Routines for inner products of Vector's / VectorRange's.
file  euclidean.h [code]
 Routines for computing euclidean norm of a Vector/VectorRange, or normalizing a Vector/VectorRange to unit euclidean length.
file  expr.h [code]
 Overloads expr() for Matrix<Number>, LowerMatrix<Number>, Vector<Number> and DiagonalMatrix<Number>
file  flip.h [code]
 Routines for flipping (reversing) dense Vector's, Matrix's, etc.
file  frobenius.h [code]
 Routines for computing Frobenius norms of various algebraic containers.
file  gebrd.h [code]
 Householder bidiagonalization of a general Matrix.
file  geevd.h [code]
 Computes all eigenpairs of general Matrix.
file  gelqf.h [code]
 Routines to compute a Householder LQ decomposition.
file  gemm.h [code]
 Variety of routines all for dense Matrix*Matrix multiplies. Delegates to the BLAS.
file  gemv.h [code]
 Variety of routines all for dense Matrix*Vector multiplies. All just delegate to gemm()
file  geqpf.h [code]
 Routines to compute a column-pivoted Householder QR decomposition.
file  geqrf.h [code]
 Routines to compute a Householder QR decomposition.
file  gesvd.h [code]
 Routines for computing singular value decompositions.
file  getrf.h [code]
 General purpose A = P'*L*U decomposition for square Matrix's.
file  gramschmidt.h [code]
 Routines for orthogonalizing column vectors via classical and modified gram-schmidt.
file  heev.h [code]
 Computes all eigenpairs of complex hermitian Matrix.
file  hemm.h [code]
 Routines for hermitian Matrix * dense Matrix multiplication.
file  her2k.h [code]
 Routines for hermitian rank-2k updates, a specialized form of Matrix*Matrix multiplication.
file  herk.h [code]
 Routines for hermitian rank-k updates, a specialized form of Matrix*Matrix multiplication.
file  hermitian.h [code]
 Returns a hermitian copy of a Matrix. The inplace version only works on a square operand.
file  hetrd.h [code]
 Householder tridiagonalization of a complex hermitian Matrix.
file  hetrf.h [code]
 LDL' decompositions for real hermitian Matrix A (indefinite is fine).
file  horzcat.h [code]
 Routines to concatenate Matrix's in left/right fashion.
file  intRange.h [code]
 Interface class for representing subranges of contiguous int's.
file  inverse.h [code]
 Overwrites a LowerMatrix, DiagonalMatrix, or square Matrix with its own inverse. Or, returns it as a copy.
file  jacobi.h [code]
 Jacobi methods for real symmetric eigendecomposition.
file  LDLSwaps.h [code]
 Pivoting metadata for LDL'-type factorizations.
file  lower_precision.h [code]
 Routines for copying and lowering the precision of a container.
file  LowerMatrix.h [code]
 Specialized container for a lower triangular matrix, O(N^2/2) storage. Used by symmetry exploiting matrix decompositions (Cholesky, LDL')
file  LowerMatrixRange.h [code]
 Range construct for a lower triangular matrix stored in rectangular packed format.
file  lqt.h [code]
 Given the scalar reflectors [V,tau] from gelqf(), forms the T of the equivalent block reflector I-V'*T*V Semantically equivalent to dlarft('F'orward,'R'owwise), but put into the lower triangle instead of upper.
file  LUSolver.h [code]
 General purpose linear solver, no symmetry/definiteness assumptions upon A (just square)
file  Matrix.h [code]
 General purpose dense matrix container, O(i*j) storage.
file  Matrix22.h [code]
 Matrix type with fixed size of 2x2, algorithms that operate upon them.
file  MatrixRange.h [code]
 Interface class for representing subranges of dense Matrix's.
file  minmax.h [code]
 Routines to find the extremal values of a Matrix or Vector.
file  nullspace.h [code]
 Returns orthonormal basis for the nullspace of A, such that A*null(A) = 0.
file  orglq.h [code]
 Routines to reconstruct a Householder Q, as previously factored via gelqf_inplace()
file  orgqr.h [code]
 Routines to reconstruct a Householder Q, as previously factored via geqrf_inplace()
file  ormlq.h [code]
 Routines to apply a Householder Q, as previously factored via gelqf_inplace()
file  ormqr.h [code]
 Routines to apply a Householder Q, as previously factored via geqrf_inplace()
file  pinv.h [code]
 Returns Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of A.
file  PivotMatrix.h [code]
 A collection of pivot Matrix22's used within L*D*op(L)-factorizations (sytrf, hetrf).
file  potrf.h [code]
 Cholesky factorization routines for positive definite matrices.
file  QRSolver.h [code]
 Solves full-rank least squares problems, argmin x |A*x-b|, where A.I >= A.J (tall/skinny).
file  qrt.h [code]
 Given the scalar reflectors [V,tau] from geqrf(), forms the T of the equivalent block reflector I-V*T*V' Semantically equivalent to dlarft('F'orward,'C'olumnwise)
file  raise_precision.h [code]
 Routines for copying and raising the precision of a container.
file  rangespace.h [code]
 Returns orthonormal basis for the range of A.
file  RCholeskySolver.h [code]
 A solver suitable for a real symmetric positive definite Matrix.
file  RLDLTSolver.h [code]
 A solver suitable for a real symmetric Matrix (indefinite is fine). Encapsulates sytrf()
file  rotate.h [code]
 Computes a plane rotation, either single sided (rotate1) or double sided (rotate2).
file  scal.h [code]
 BLAS1 vector scale.
file  stev.h [code]
 Computes all eigenpairs of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
file  swaps.h [code]
 Routines related to swap sequences, often used during pivoting.
file  swizzle.h [code]
 Wonkish routines for rearranging a complex Range into two real Range's, and back again.
file  syev.h [code]
 Computes all eigenpairs of real symmetric Matrix.
file  symm.h [code]
 Routines for symmetric Matrix * dense Matrix multiplication.
file  syr2k.h [code]
 Routines for symmetric rank-2k updates, a specialized form of Matrix*Matrix multiplication.
file  syrk.h [code]
 Routines for symmetric rank-k updates, a specialized form of Matrix*Matrix multiplication.
file  sytrd.h [code]
 Householder tridiagonalization of a real symmetric Matrix.
file  sytrf.h [code]
 LDL' decompositions for real symmetric Matrix A (indefinite is fine).
file  threshold.h [code]
 Replaces small values with explicit zeros.
file  transpose.h [code]
 Returns a transposed copy of a Matrix. The inplace version only works on a square operand.
file  tril.h [code]
 Returns the lower triangle of a dense Matrix.
file  triu.h [code]
 Returns the upper triangle of a dense Matrix.
file  trmm.h [code]
 Routines for multiplying by a triangular Matrix or LowerMatrix.
file  trmv.h [code]
 Variety of routines all for triangular Matrix*Vector multiplies. All just delegate to trmm()
file  trsm.h [code]
 Routines for backsolving by a triangular Matrix or LowerMatrix.
file  trsv.h [code]
 Variety of routines all for triangular Matrix solves. All just delegate to trsm()
file  Vector.h [code]
 Container for either a column vector or row vector (depends upon the usage context)
file  vectorcat.h [code]
 Routines to concatenate Vector's.
file  VectorRange.h [code]
 Interface class for representing subranges of dense Vector's.
file  vertcat.h [code]
 Routines to concatenate Matrix's in top/bottom fashion.
file  ZCholeskySolver.h [code]
 A solver suitable for a complex hermitian positive definite Matrix.
file  ZLDLHSolver.h [code]
 A solver suitable for a complex hermitian Matrix (indefinite is fine). Encapsulates hetrf()
file  ZLDLTSolver.h [code]
 A solver suitable for a complex symmetric Matrix (indefinite is fine). Encapsulates sytrf()

Detailed Description

Containers and algorithms for dense linear algebra. [tutorial] .